If you're stopping by ICT's Open House, welcome! Feel free to ask us any questions you have about our club, or just say hi! 👋

Inspiring tech talents everyday

We're a community of tech enthusiasts and like-minded people sharing a passion for all things tech. We're here to foster learning, collaboration, and innovation, motivating you to explore and create your very own creations.


Come join us for an event-filled year!

Workshop on Git and GitHub, in collaboration with NullSec, another special interest group in ICT.

Learn together!

Our workshops are usually on Friday evenings; everyone's welcome to join! We post announcements in our Discord server and social media platforms, so if you're keen to see what Overflow's about, hit us up through our channels. We never touch the same topic twice in a year, so you'll always be learning something new!

A group of people sitting in a room, with the words "Google" in the middle.

Take part in things!

Besides our workshops, we'll share any exciting opportunities for you to take your skills to the next level. From hackathons and casual developer meetups to conferences and professional networking events, we'll keep you in the loop with what's happening in the tech scene.

A large screen with the words "The Byte® Hackz 2023" on it, with two speakers to the right.

Have fun!

We run some events that value add to your learning experience, like The Byte® Hackz, a hackathon for Information Technology students, and the Polytechnic–ITE Olympiad in Informatics (PIOI), a yearly competitive programming competition for polytechnic and ITE students.

What are you waiting for?

We welcome you to join us for fun workshops and a space to learn. Simply join one of our workshops; we accept students all year round!